Please be our guest and snoop around our site, check out our services and pictures and drop us line, we'd love to hear from you. Cindy Sattal |
We have serviced the following areas... Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Florida, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Chicago, Maryland, Illinois, New Jersey |
When your First Impression... Is Your Only Impression |
Featured Sites of the Month: |
FAUX CLASSES STARTING SOON!! Own your own painting company and looking to add artistic services? Planning on faux painting your own room? Looking to get into the business? Start with the basic skills and knowledge you need with 2-3-hour classes 3 nights a week and at an affordable price This is a personal class only teaching up to 6-8 students per class CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION Click here to learn more |
Picture of the Month: |
BOBBY FLAY'S PIMPED!!!! Click on the Picture to see some of the Work accomplished at Mohegan Casino & Bobby's Burger Palace, More to come with behind the scene pictures!!! |
Woman Owned Painter Driven |